Friday, June 7, 2024

KSU Enhances Campus Connectivity with Converge: A Step Towards Modernization

L to R - Mr. Romoualdo Wacas (KSU- BAC Chairman), Ms. Joy Enriquez (Converge - Regional Sales Manager for NCL), Lope Buen (KSU - BAC Member)

Sate-funded universities in the Philippines have a responsibility to provide affordable yet high-quality education in a modern and digital setting post-pandemic. Kalinga State University (KSU) is at the forefront of this movement, striving to transform its campus into a cutting-edge environment with advanced IT infrastructure and fiber optic connectivity. 

Eric Paloy, the Director of Information and Technology Office at KSU, envisions the university as a knowledge and technology hub in the Asia Pacific region. This vision includes offering new technology and programs not only to local students but also to those from neighboring countries in ASEAN.

Central to KSU's ambition of becoming a smart and integrated campus is the need for reliable connectivity, which led them to partner with Converge ICT Solutions, a pioneering ISP in Tabuk City. Paloy emphasizes the importance of uninterrupted connectivity and digital operations, highlighting Converge's fast and dependable service as the reason for their choice.

From Left: Mr. Romoualdo Wacas (Kalinga State University- Bids and Awards Committee Chairman), Ms. Joy Enriquez (Converge - Regional Sales Manager for NCL), and Mr. Lope Buen (Kalinga State University - BAC Member)

“We have a policy in place in the IT department where we promise no interruptions in the connectivity and digital operations of the university. We had a strategy on this, and based on our research, Converge has given the fastest and most reliable connection in the province, so that’s why we chose them as a partner,” Paloy added. 

Over the past 11 years, KSU has embraced technological advancements, transitioning from outdated DSL internet to Converge's fiber-based connection, significantly improving daily operations. This upgrade has enabled the university to provide top-notch academic instruction with a focus on cultural heritage to its student body.

“ In previous years, our internet connection was only DSL. Hindi gaano kabilis and kulang talaga sa bandwidth. So when the fiber-based internet of Converge came to us, it really helped speed up the daily operations of the university,” he added

The Converge Sales team, together with the KSU officials look forward to a fruitful collaboration on this fiber broadband connectivity. 

He shares that now, with a robust and efficient digital infrastructure in place, KSU can continue bringing excellent academic instruction with a focus on cultural heritage, to its hundreds of students. 

With a robust digital infrastructure in place, KSU now facilitates online learning, remote access to resources, collaborative tools, and efficient information dissemination through social media. Paloy is confident that with Converge as a reliable partner and a strong technological foundation, KSU is well-positioned to realize its vision of becoming a prominent knowledge and technology hub in the Asia Pacific region.

“In the future, I think our university will achieve its vision and mission - to be a knowledge and technology hub in Asia Pacific. With the help of a good ISP partner in Converge and technological infrastructure in place, we can achieve this vision,” ended Paloy. 

1 comment:

  1. Congrats KSU malakas na internet provider talaga ang Converge..
