Battered wife/partner? Single parent? Abused in different ways ( physical, emotional, financial, sexual, digital) Yes?
Fret not! Because you are not alone. I was once a victim of domestic violence. I was so depressed then. My self-efficacy and confidence were jeopardized. But ... I made it through! How? Because I got all the help and support I needed from my mom, sisters, girl friends. AND guidance, mercy and love from our God.
Last month (Women's month), I received an invitation from a party list - MELCHORA. Upon reading the invite, I undoubtedly confirmed my attendance since I find their mission relevant and I still don't have any party list on my mind for the coming Philippine election yet.
Let me share with you what Melchora Party is:
MELCHORA Party list shall pursue a legislative agenda anchored on the felt needs, experiences and aspirations of marginalized Filipino women and children. It is founded by Ms. Grace Ibuna.
MELCHORA envisions a women’s sector that is aware and conscious of their civil, political and human rights acting collectively to support initiatives for personal growth and productivity.
They advocate a community of women helping women while partnering with men by providing access to work and livelihood opportunities. Hopefully and in time they will evolve practices to build a culture of self-reliance, collective work models towards mutual empowering women.
Form this day forward, no women, no child shall feel abandoned, helpless and distressed because MELCHORA - a movement of women for change and reform shall be a beacon of hope, a ray of light from whom women can draw strength, courage and succour.
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