Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Asia Leaders Forum : Blogging 101 -Essential Takeaways

Blogs are an amazing way to demonstrate your expertise online, control your message and build personal reputation and credibility as a writer. The power of a blog is that when you are blogging, you are the journalist and that you are telling a story. Blogs allow you to easily tell your stories, readers can interact with you and you can build relationships with them.
Blogging allows you to differentiate yourself from competitors, showcase your personality and share information about yourself, a team or a company.

L-R Cherry Burwell, Dianne Salonga, Jeoff Solas, James Jimenez, Art Samaniego

Last August 16, together with other bloggers and entrepreneurs, I attended a forum about Blogging held in the favored Paradizoo Farm In Mendez, Cavite. Organized by Tag Media And Public Relations and sponsored by Zoomanity Group. The speakers were James Jimenez (COMELEC Spokesperson), Art Samaniego (Tech Editor of Manila Bulletin), Cherry Burwell (CEO, The Big Difference, Jeoff Solas (Certified Digital Marketer) and Dianne Salonga (blogger and CRM at 24/7).

Here are the knowledge I imbibed from the speakers:
With Mr. Art Samaniego
Mr. Art Samaniego discussed about Blogging Ethics. He gave us Blogger's code of Ethics in blogging. To guide and encourage all who engage in blogging to take responsibility for the information they provide regardless of medium.

1. Be honest and Fair.

* Bloggers should be honest and fair in gathering , reporting and interpreting information.
* Bloggers should never plagiarize
* Don't take anything out of context
* Always do double sourcing
* Never publish information which you know is inaccurate
* Distinguish factual information and commentary from advertising and shun hybrids that blur the lines between the two

2. Minimize Harm - Ethical bloggers treat sources and subjects as human beings deserving of respect.

* Bloggers should show compassion for those who may be affected adversely by Weblog content. Use special sensitivity when dealing with children and inexperienced soutces or subjects
* Be sensitive when seeking or using inerviews or photographs of those affected by tragedy or grief
* Recognize that private people have a greater right to control about themselves than do public officials and others who seek power, influence, or attention

3. Be accountable.

* Bloggers should admit mistakes and correct them promptly
* Explain each Weblog mission and invite dialogue with the public over its content and the blogger's conduct
* Disclose conflict of interest, affiliations, activities and personal agenda
* Deny favored treatment to advertisers and special interests and resist their pressure to influence content
* Be wary of sources offering information for favors. When accepting such information, disclose the favors
* Expose unethical practices of other bloggers

"Don't BITE the brand that feeds you. Don't attack just for the sake of attacking. Be always wary and follow the guidelines." - Art Samaniego 

With Mr. James Jimenez
Mr. James Jimenez - COMELEC Spokesperson, on Responsible Social Media, reiterated to always "Think before you click". When in doubt, do not publish.
He also added to always remember The Four-Way Test (of the things we think, say or do)
1. Is it the TRUTH?
2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

With Ms. Cherry Burwell
Ms. Cherry Burwell- has her own PR company which is The Big Difference Communications. She is one of the officers of the PR Society of the Philippines. She is also a lifestyle PR, to name some of the big names she does PR are Ducati Philippines, Locavore, Fabio Ide, Hermanos, etc... Her topic is how to get advertisers. She said that RELATIONSHIP and RAPPORT are two important things that matter.

"Be known and be real. The content of one's blog should have good quality. Always be on time when invited to an event. Make your presence felt. Support the brand before, during and after the event. Make an effort to know the people behind the brand". - Cherry Burwell

With Mr. Jeoff Solas
Mr. Jeoff Solas -PR and Marketing Manager of Best Western Plus Antel Hotel. A certified Digital Marketer, Brand professional and a Professor.
His take on how to get advertisers:
* you should be credible
* nonpartisan /  unbiased
* should have a Customer Relationship Management

" A brand is more than just a logo, it's more than just a name, you really have to attack the hearts and emotions of the people, the moral of the story is you have to be PRESENT, REPRESENT and SUSTAIN it. It is really a matter of relationship" - Jeoff Solas 

Art Samaniego and Dianne Salonga
Dianne Salonga - CRM at 24/7 and is also a blogger said that a blogger should always tell the truth. Do not be afraid to be truthful. You should not think that money is the main reason why you are blogging. You will definitely fail if that's your point of view.

" Blogging should be a passion" -Dianne Salonga

Short but very helpful and insightful messages from the speakers.

How to control viral post that affects one's reputation and credibility?

Cherry :  let your work speak for yourself. Even there are bashers, let them bash.sooner or later the people would know who you really are.

James:  You can not control what has already gone viral, what you can do is how it is being handled by both your organization and how it is perceived by the public. Manage it properly. Just always say the truth in what you write and be brave enough to push the truth out. Don't be ashamed to use your Social Media accounts to post atleast one socially relevant pursuit, everyday.

Jeoff:  Be more transparent with your brand. Try to validate, don't be reactive. Before reacting to a particular situation, you need to be very educated. Be smart.

How to attract quality readers? All of them had a unanimous answer. Content matters. Know your content. You should have a good and quality content. Good grammar matters as well.

This forum helped me alot as a newbie, so I may not be mislead and start my blogging in the right way and manner. This is also a good refresher course to the old-timers/ veterans. To guide us all and redeem the name of the bloggers. That bloggers are still credible and not just for the money. Truly a half-day full of knowledge and wisdom.

TAG Media and Public Relations is the organizer of Asia Leaders Forum and advocating information to reach a broader audience to understand more about important issues that could help not just companies but individuals to pursue excellence. Asia Leaders Forum is a pocket conference with different topics per event and with influential leaders as speakers.

For more information and for our next events, please check http://www.asiaecommerce.ph or call 09166299381 or email your inquiry to maria@asiaecommerce.ph

This forum is sponsored by Zoomanity Group. Zoomanity Group  operates 5 Theme Parks in the Philippines and 1 in Japan; Zoobic Safari in Subic, Zoocobia in Clark, Pampanga, Zoocolate Thrills in Bohol, Paradizoo in Mendez, Cavite, Residence Inn in Tagaytay and Zootopia in Nagano, Japan.

 " What you do after you create your content is what truly counts" - Gary Vaynerchuk

"Blogging isn't about publishing as much as you can, it's about publishing as smart as you can " - Jon Morrow

Thank you for visiting my blog! I would love to hear your thoughts . Your comments are always welcome and appreciated!

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